May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NIV

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Quilts, Costumes and Life in General

It's been a month since I last visited my blog. In the meantime, I started a blog at which I seem to access more often. I've got to watch the time factor here. On-line diary/blogging can be a bit time-consuming and addictive. Then there are all those blogs that are fun to read.

At the end of August, we went out to CA to visit DHs father and sister in Southern CA and then went up to Northern CA for a visit with the DGDs.....oh...their parents, too LOL. We're still exploring Alameda as a place to live in retirement. DH loves the nearness of the SF Bay. Wonderful opportunities for walking enjoyment.

Since I've been back, I've been working on Halloween costumes for the DGDs. I don't think I ever sewed any costumes for my boys when they were young. The extent of my garment sewing for them was PJs and T-Shirts.....those were the days of knit fabrics. For this project I had to get my brain back to a 5/8" seam and not the quarter-inch seam that quilters use. Working off and on, I managed to actually finish two costumes before Halloween. Here they are:

The 10 month old will be a darling little lamb and the 2 1/2 year old will be a cute little ladybug. I think this may be my only foray into costume making. I forgot how I hate sewing curvy garments. But you never know. If the DGDs ask, I'll probably give in. I think that's what grandmas are supposed to do LOL.

In between working on the costumes, I pulled out some scraps for a quilt that I had made for my sister when she was undergoing chemo for breast cancer. I found that I had enough orphan blocks and fabric that I could make another quilt. Since another friend is about to have a mastectomy, I decided to play around with what I had and make a quilt for her. Here's the results of that effort:

It's not a very big quilt but it might be enough for her to put across her lap and know that she is loved.

We are having lovely Fall type weather this week. It's the season I like most in the Mid-Atlantic region. It will be one of the things I miss when we move back to California.

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