May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NIV

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pillow Perfection for the Holidays

Sometimes inspiration just hits you when you are looking at a quilting blog.  I ran across this pillow design on Jill Finley's web-site, Jillily Studio She was offering it as a down-load or you could order a kit with the pattern from her.  I opted for the those fabric choices that are already made for me.  The pillow seemed just the perfect colors for a holiday pillow for my darling DILs living room.  The fabric came and mellowed for awhile on my desk.  Then last week on Friday, I decided to begin.  It's now Sunday night and it is finished.  I am totally loving it.  I was going to maybe give it to DDIL for Christmas but I couldn't wait.  She has seen it and she loves it and by tomorrow afternoon, it will be sitting on her window seat.  I really need to make one for myself but I'll probably use a little bit different colorway.  Thanks Jill for the pattern and the gorgeous fabrics that made the perfect pillow for the holidays. 
The project begins...not too difficult to make houses
Humble little houses all in a row.

A little snow on the rooftops, windows, and trees for details

Add a strip for a flange and some embroidery for the windows and wreath

 Wreath for the door designed by me
Looking quite cute but it is not yet "fluffy"

Pillow Perfection!  Just right for the darling DILs decor

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