Family Researcher Guy (that would be the dear husband) gave up a couple of precious computer search days last week to install a storage system from IKEA for my guest/office/sewing room. Here is how it went.
Four Darling Sewing Machines need to be stored along with all the other accouterments of the sewing quilting life.

First the room must be cleared of all things against the best available wall for a storage system. Drop-down desk can stay. All other stuff goes out to the living room.

Let the building process begin. Each shelving unit has 25 cubbies. That means there will be 50 new places to store stuff.

Once it is up (and boy is it heavy!), you need to make sure it fits. Also need to measure to make sure that the second one will have enough room.

For a good fit, the baseboard needs to be removed. Well Looky There! Once upon a time, this room was painted blue. Fortunately we have extra wall paint to paint over the blue. It will be on the bottom in the back of the cubbies. Chances are it won't be very noticeable. But we'll paint anyway.

Hooray! Both units fit against the wall. The second unit is built leaving out one partition in order to have room for the printer when the desk is installed.
And there you have it! Storage solutions for my room. An extra 5 cube unit was added above and another was set up against a wall near the end of the desk unit. The installer (Family Research Guy) spent time securing everything to the wall. Though "stuff" is on the shelves, final organization has not yet been determined. There are still doors, drawers and basket configurations to figure out. But there is always time when you are retired.