May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14 NIV

Monday, December 16, 2013

Annabelle's Quilt

DGD, Violet received an 18" doll for her birthday at the end of November.  That definitely meant that Annabelle (the new doll) would need a few gifts for Christmas.  So I have bought a pattern.  YIKES.....I had no idea what patterns are costing these days.  But it does have patterns for lots of basic outfits that can be embellished and enhanced.  I already made the poncho.  I couldn't wait.  I had to give it to Annabelle ahead of time.  It matches on that I made for Violet.  It pays to hold on to those scraps. 

Looking cute.  Now Annabelle has one to match.  (No pic yet)

Of course, Annabelle needs a quilt.  And if she needs a quilt then she needs a pillow and pillowcase to go with it.  And of course, Violet needs a pillow case to match so they can all sleep in matchy matchy comfort. 
Quilt is not quite done but it will be ready for Christmas.
 Annabelle's "mom" has also requested pajamas for her so I guess I had better get busy.  Who knew that making doll clothes and accessories could be so much fun.

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